Saturday, April 20, 2013

Keep that Baby Cookin'!!

Over the last week Cody and I have been going through some scary stuff. Last Tuesday, Cody and I went in for our 21 week ultrasound. Everything was looking great, Baby Ava is growing perfectly and all her measurements came out right on track.  We even got a DVD with the whole ultrasound recorded on it! (pretty cool to have!!).. Right at the end of the ultrasound the tech measured my cervical length. It came out measuring 1.9-2cm. She told us the Dr. would talk more to us about this. Right after the ultrasound we met with our main doctor. She told us that my cervix was short and that this could result in preterm labor and the loss of our baby. She gave us very little info, except this was serious and she wanted us to meet with a perinatologist (a high risk pregnancy doctor) asap. Of course, I started freaking out. Luckily, I had Cody to calm me down.  We called the specialist immediately and we got an appointment the same day. Once we met with our new doctor, he did another ultrasound and I measured at 2.24... so he opted to put me on bed rest for a week and go from there.

On Friday, I had a bit of a scare so I called my doctor and he wanted me to come in. Luckily, everything turned out just fine, and the length actually grew a tiny bit. He put me on bed rest until next Friday and if everything keeps improving, he is going to let me go back to work as long as I "take it easy". Fingers crossed everyone!! We are praying that I can make it full term!!!

Since I have been on bed rest, Cody has turned into super hubby/dad........ He is cooking, cleaning, running errands, checking on me... He has been amazing. I couldn't ask for a better man to be going through this with! I have also been watching lots of Netflix and catching up on the tons of books that I have been meaning to finish. I am also going to be taking a certification test for work, so this bed rest is going to give me plenty of time to study for that!

Other than that, we have continued to be busy, busy, busy! We got a fabulous townhouse right in between Cody's parents house and his grandparents house. We have a garage with storage on the first floor, then a three bedroom apartment on the top. It is a beautiful community and I CANNOT wait to move in! Finally we can start putting together the baby room!! How exciting!

Total Weight Gain: No weight gain from last visit. So I will still estimate between 10-15 pounds. 
Names: Ava Marie Boazman <3
Regular Clothes or Maternity: At work I wear both... at home on bed rest: yoga pants and t-shirts =)
Stretch Marks: Still none! Hopefully I will skip the stretch marks since my mom never got them!
Sleep: Sleep has been getting better... I have been having lots of crazy dreams!!
Fitness: The only fitness I am getting now is the walk back and forth from the bathroom =(
Miss Anything: Still have morning sickness, so I am still not missing any of the norms... I am missing being able to do everyday things like cooking, driving, standing, even cleaning!!... And going out and doing fun things...For example, today Cody and Jacob are at Oyster Bake (part of Fiesta)... I would much rather be there, than in bed!!
Baby Movement: Yes, and it is amazing! I love it. It is so comforting to feel her move and know she is in there healthy and growing! Cody was finally able to feel her on my tummy! She has some powerful kicks! 
Food Wants/Needs/Have-to-Haves: Wheat bagels with strawberry cream cheese, broccoli, fruit, spicy food (especially flaming hot Cheetos lol)and really really cold ice water. 
Foods that Make You Queasy/Sick: Meat and fish, anything fried, melted cheese and milk....ewwwwww. 
Boy or Girl Predictions: It's a GIRL!!!!
Labor Signs: No, thank God!
Belly Button In/Out: In
Mood: I have been a bit more emotional since having our scare.
Pains: My back hurts from being in bed so much.
Recent Doctors Appointment: Next appointment is on Friday! Pray for good news!!

Little Ava is already being spoiled, she is going to be one lucky and loved baby girl!!!

Here is some of the stuff that Kelly has gotten for our little princess:

How adorable is that!!!!

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