Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Baby Bumpin'

19 Weeks and Growing!

For the Easter holiday we went out to Cody's Grandparents ranch in Hondo. It is always such a fun time out there! We had a very relaxing day spending time with family and eating a ton of delicious food! 

I must say, this is the first time I have seen a picture of myself sporting a baby bump! Obviously, I can tell that my mid-section is growing, due to the fact that I am 100% more comfortable when I don't button my pants! (The belly-band is a fabulous invention, lol)

Here is a fun update list I stole from Miss Melissa Michelle! 

Total Weight Gain: not 100% sure because I didn't know my exact weight when I got pregnant....We say between 10-15 pounds lol.
Names: We finally decided on Ava Marie! 
Regular Clothes or Maternity: Both! I still wear my normal clothes... I wear a belly band with my normal jeans, which makes them SO much more comfortable! And we did some maternity clothes shopping, so I am starting to mix and match =) 
Stretch Marks: None yet, thank gosh! I did buy some lotion for my tummy when the time comes!
Sleep: I cannot sleep through the night...boooooo. I wake up at least 2 times too use the restroom... and I just can't seem to get comfortable in bed. My mom is sending me a Snoogle Body Pillow, so hopefully that will help!
Fitness: We were doing really good about going to the gym up until I started my new job a few weeks back....now Cody is still going... me, not so much haha... But the weather is getting nicer so we will start our walks and hikes again! 
Miss Anything: I miss not being sick every day!!! Morning sickness has been kicking my butt since day one! Because of that I am not missing the normal stuff like sushi and wine haha. 
Baby Movement: I feel lots and lots of little flutters going on!
Food Wants/Needs/Have-to-Haves: Fruit, bean and cheese burritos, salad, goldfish an lemonade... that is pretty much what I have been surviving on!
Foods that Make You Queasy/Sick: Meat or anything greasy.   
Boy or Girl Predictions: It's a GIRL!!!!
Labor Signs: Nope! 
Belly Button In/Out: In!
Mood: I am in a great mood.... but, boy oh boy, do I get emotional....Cody will agree with that=)
Pains: I have been getting terrible headaches!! 
Recent Doctors Appointment: We are right in between appointments =)

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